Besides an epic spiritual high this past weekend we did a lot of service! At one point we were shoveling wood chips and spreading them around a less-active family's yard. It was great being able to work hard in the yard and I'm not gonna lie it totally reminded me of working outside back at home. It was a great feeling being able to work hard! (Besides working hard as a missionary of course haha) Another highlight of the week was putting V on a specific date to be baptized! It will be on either January 30th or sometime in February!! We're super excited!! Then she made us this special dessert/sweet bread from A which was super good! Oh! I forgot to mention that I saw a ton of members from my previous Ward at Stake Conference and it was so nice to see them again! One of the members said that we (yes, that means all of y'all ;) haha) have to come back to their home and spend some time with them in their cabin! Haha
I've heard quite often on my mission how Elder Holland's mission has meant more to him than anyone. ever. and this past weekend I finally understood what Elder Holland meant by this. He explained that every good thing that has happened in his life since his mission has been shaped by his mission. It reminded me of something very similar my Stake President told me right before I left for my mission and I know by the Spirit that it will be the same for me and everyone who chooses to serve a mission. So my message this week is simple; It will all work out. I love y'all soooooo much-ooooooooo!!!!!! Remember that y'all are always in my prayers.
Lots of Love (from your favorite Sister Missionary),
Sister Megan Rice
Bread from A!
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